Two videos about the Suffrage Wagon Cafe, plus news notes for Women’s History Month!

VIDEO: Meet me at the Suffrage Wagon Cafe for the Women’s History Month opening! on Vimeo.

The Suffrage Wagon Cafe is partnering with Suffrage Wagon Cooking School. Chef Cutting, our chef for the first series of cooking school recipes, gives us the Big Picture.

VIDEO: Suffrage Wagon Cafe & Suffrage Wagon Cooking School: Important announcement! on Vimeo.

NEWS WRAPUP: Video: Big birthday bash planned for Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s 200th birthday in 2015. New York State is moving forward to plan its 2017 suffrage centennial. The U.S. will have a national suffragist memorial only if we insist on it. Support the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial. Alice Paul Institute is 30 years old. The National Women’s History Project is having its 35th birthday party. The Suffrage Wagon video channel on Vimeo now has more than 100 suffrage videos. A digital library for the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon is under construction. The concerns of a suffrage activist 100 years ago.
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6 responses to “Two videos about the Suffrage Wagon Cafe, plus news notes for Women’s History Month!

  1. Kelly G. Janis

    Chef, I really like your lessons. Don’t have time for all the effort you put into fortune cookies but I could see doing it maybe once a year. Could be a good idea on August 26th, women’s equality day. That will give me time to get inspired. Happy Women’s History Month.

  2. I can catch up really quick with your news notes. Handy dandy. That’s what Grandfather Wilmer used to say.

  3. Jane Whitman Kelly

    I’m meeting you, Marguerite, at the Suffrage Wagon Cafe. I also never knew anything about SWAN day. Sure, Women’s History Month is part of the fabric of American culture. And I like how SWAN day is international.

  4. How unique to have a cooking school AND a cafe. You have me now.

  5. When I’m not expecting something like this video, I enjoy it even more.

  6. Fun to have a cooking school and a cafe. Reminds me of Prairie Home Companion with the biscuits and the people sitting on stools and visiting. You have music too at the cafe. Another sweet touch like the cookies and cakes. I enjoy watching the videos.

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