Crash course on hot tea and the suffrage movement

Suffrage tea cups
January is Hot Tea MonthThe Suffrage Wagon Cafe will open soon and feature hot tea during January, Hot Tea Month. Did you know that suffragist Alice Paul ran a teahouse, The Grated Door,” in Washington, DC? The story.

Paul always had her tea set ready for serving tea at the National Woman’s Party as part of entertaining guests involved in the lobby effort for the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Did you know that oolong tea was Lucretia Mott’s favorite? And suffragist Alva Belmont built a Chinese teahouse that was used for suffrage gatherings. The Chinese teahouse was an opportunity to show off Belmont’s specially designed Votes for Women china. A replica is featured in the photo above.

The relationship between hot tea and the suffrage movement is highlighted in a two-part article by suffrage author Kenneth Florey. Part I. Part II. We’ll be making traditional Chinese fortune cookies to serve with hot tea for the Chinese New Year at Suffrage Wagon Cooking School in February 2015. Cookie promo video. Article about how suffrage centennials and tea are related.

And now the accompanying VIDEOS:

Make a cup of hot tea: From Suffrage Wagon Cooking School from Vimeo.

Keep the tea pot hot for Susan B. Anthony’s birthday party in February! from Vimeo.

White House Picketing & Hot Tea in 1917: Part of the “Night of Terror” observance from Vimeo.

Suffrage tea memorabilia from the collection of Kenneth Florey: Video.

Chinese fortune cookies for the Chinese New Year on Vimeo.

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3 responses to “Crash course on hot tea and the suffrage movement

  1. The teapot with the green lettering on your post- – is awesome. I would buy it if it were a tee.

  2. Yes, I have been enjoying these pictures and stories too.

  3. I think I am ODing on cooking school. Well, let me get my breakfast and then I’m sitting down to digest all of these cooking school presentations. This is a great way of starting the day and I get my votes for women history at the same time.

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