Some activists threw themselves into the suffrage cause at their own peril

From a 1914 newspaper, the “Daily Herald,” depicting “Miss Davison.” By Will Dyson.

. . .such as the UK’s Emily Davidson who threw herself in front of the King’s horse. More is coming out about Davison and the details of her life, inlcuding the tale of how Davison hid herself in a crypt so she could use Parliament as her home address as a way to lobby for the vote. The posting comments are as interesting as the researcher’s report.

The film clip of Emily Davison’s dramatic protest is well known, and the clip of her funeral procession in London impacts us as only film can do.

3 responses to “Some activists threw themselves into the suffrage cause at their own peril

  1. Greetings from Colorado! I like the info you provide here about part of history I knew nothing about.

  2. I have a paper due next month for school and have been glued to the continuing story of the sufragists, and an grateful for such interesting material.

  3. If women had to resort to such drastic measures, it make you realize the resistance they were up against.

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